About Workshops:

Normally an adult workshop lasts for 5 consecutive days. We have a morning session where we work on a practice canvas, learning the individual techniques of loading and applying the paint to canvas. This would include building mountains, creating various types of trees, making tappy grass and reflections. At the end of the practice session we clean the canvas so it can be used the following morning. Then we break for lunch. In the afternoon we apply the learned skills to a painting that the student takes home. Each day we build on previous skills and at the end of the week, most students are able to create beautiful painting on their  own. While it is best to have classes on consecutive days, we can adjust schedules to fit individual needs.

Youth workshops include 6 days of classes but the days are much shorter. We do not complete a painting each day but spend the time practicing. On the last day we use the skills learned to complete a 16 x 20 painting.

I am now scheduling classes for the current workshops. To see specifics about each days activities and the paintings that will be completed:  CLICK HERE



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