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First class of the year

December 20, 2018

This is always a slow time of the year. People are catching up from the Christmas Holidays, kids are just getting back into the routine of school and I am anxious for my class schedule to pick up. There are a number of people who will soon be calling to set up a date for the class gift certificates they received for Christmas and I am now busy with February ‘Date Night promotions, but I really prefer to be in the studio sharing my knowledge with students.

Today was better for me. You will remember 6 year old Tyson Bucher who took his first class just a month or so. Well, today he was in the studio for a new class and we had such a good time. Tyson is a very enthusiastic person and I think likes painting with me. I certainly enjoy my time with him. Here is a link to his class today.

As you see, he does an excellent job. As this age, students need a bit more hands on assistance, but I never paint their painting for them. At times I will take their hand and help to show them the correct way the brush is supposed to touch the canvas but when they take a painting home, it is theirs..

Here is an example of what I mean:

Tomorrow, I hope to shoot some video explaining some of the things that are often unexplained in the Bob Ross videos. If they turn out OK, I will be back to show them to you. And, you can always check out my work by going to my Facebook page, and I hope that you will take the time to share my web site with other. That address is:

Happy Painting.

Pat Alsup CRI®

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